BON VOYAGE Organisation • LOVE SOUP version longue
Une émission de rentrée entre chroniqueurs habituels, pour se remettre dans le bain souplement et faire un point sur les dernières pépites de 2015.
Tracklist :
- Geins't Naït + L. Petitgand - Bodische Little Alone (Oublier, 2015)
- Strië - Foxes (Struktura, 2015)
- Manon Lescaut - The March (Gift of Stones, 2015)
- Cremation Lily - As a Sea Creature Might Watch From the Aquarium (Radiance and Instability, 2015)
- Shapednoise - Intruder (Different Selves, 2015)
- Kazuki Koga - Take and Slack / Harder Isn't Hardness / Overhang Ledge (The Salathé Wall, 2015)
- Verset Zero - Novum Semita (Contritum Crusis, 2015)
- Steven R. Smith - I Tried to Leave You (The Death of Last Year's Man EP, 1999)
- Simon Fischer Turner - Shishapangma (Sprinkles' Deeperama) (Shishapangma EP, 2015)
- Docetism - Waldeinsamkeit (Waldeinsamkeit, 2015)
- From the Mouth of the Sun - Bodies in Fog (Into the Well, 2015)
- King Midas Sound / Fennesz - On My Mind (Edition 1, 2015)
- Julia Holter - Sea Calls Me Home (Have You in My Wilderness, 2015)
Photo : The Epic of Everest, par John Noel
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