Une émission présentée par DJ Déclic • Hip Hop Revenge
The Dictaphone - Chant Hygiène - He Doesn't Want to Pay his Taxes N0v3l - To Whom it May Concern Idiota Civilizzato - Geminiti Witchface - Mareritt Nihiloxica - Ding Ding 23 Skidoo - Fuck G.I. Marine - Scratch my Knee (Kiss my Dub) Sourdure - L'Escribota Robert Hinchliffe - The Blind Man The Bats - North by North Tom Dissevelt - Syncopation My Bloody Valentine - When You Sleep The Velvet Underground - Sister Ray (Live ate the Boston Tea Party) Johnathan Richman - I Was Dancing in a Lesbian Bar Dr Pablo & the Dub Syndicate - Man of Mystery Grace Jones - She's Lost Control Beenie Man - Pure War Marine - A Proposito dei Napoli King Doudou - Novinha Infinite Music - Magenta